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pH Matter Catalyst Technology Honored by U.S. DOE

COLUMBUS – Dr. Paul Matter and Dr. Minette Ocampo of pH Matter were recently honored by the U.S. Dept. of Energy for the pair’s development of a new hydrogen fuel cell catalyst.  The team received the Annual Merit Review award for biggest breakthrough in fuel cell technology development.

Ocampo is a senior scientist at the company and led technical work on the DOE-sponsored project to develop the catalyst.

“What we’ve developed helps advance DOE’s efforts to encourage hydrogen fuel cell use in long haul trucking,” Ocampo said.

“Our catalyst could be used in improved fuel cells for emission-free, hydrogen fueled, heavy duty vehicles.”

pH Matter’s catalyst is tied to the Million Mile Fuel Cell Truck consortium which is a clearinghouse and research hub run by the five DOE national laboratories. The project’s goal is to improve the efficiency and durability of PEM fuel cells and promote commercialization of technology that would build an emission-free heavy-duty vehicle and transportation market run on hydrogen.

“The catalyst in a fuel cell is a part of the chemistry that converts the fuel – in this case hydrogen – to electricity,” Matter said.

“Our catalyst is proving more durable than others, which is an industry need. We’ve also met the efficiency and durability targets of the Million Mile consortium,” Matter added.

More information about the award can be found here: https://www.hydrogen.energy.gov/annual-review/annual_review22_awards.html